LN Mishra Institute of Economic development and social change.
I have to admit that this was the best screenings so far. More than 100 students of LN Mishra Institute of Economic Development and Social Change, participated in the screening and discussed later. Screening started well in time.
There are certain things which many people would not know, LN Mishra is no exception to this. We all know that people in Patna are not use to watching such films and the etiquette which is to be followed during screening of special films and documentaries. Like other screenings in Planetarium and Patna Museum, students at LNM were continuously moving in out of the hall. Some one because of nature's call. Few of them were feeling thirsty. Some were attending calls during the film, in the hall some were going out. I might not sound very flexible, but I really hate anyone doing such things. Thanks to Prof Nakhate, My Film Making professor from University of Pune. But in coming time we will not only create good films but better audience.
More or less, screening went fine. The best part was discussion after the screening. Even before people can think of solution, they have had excuses and assumed permanent-hurdles ready in their minds. I dont say that all of them will become leaders and carriers of change but its high time that people come out of their cocoons they are in, and start thinking about BIHAR. LEADERS are not born everyday. So, everybody can not be leader. We need better followers too.
The very base of LN Mishra Institute is about SOCIAL CHANGE, but the institution itself is so much in the clutches of caste system. The first question which one of the senior staff asked me, when I went for the first time was "क्या आप मैथिली जानते हैं ?" I thought may be the person wants to know about my language generally, but later I discovered that the caste and community feeling in <> is at its best. Can we call it Institutionalization of caste? At-least now the veterans in our state should start orienting and condition the new generation so that they dont cary and propagate the same feeling of caste and language to others. Do they want to make the new generation, caste-mongers like most of them ?
Few question were throw at me by some female students, and its very important for us to listen to the woman first. Because they are the one who will give birth to the leaders. They will one who will up-bring carriers of change. The very question which everyone had in mind and will always have is, they have family to look after, their parents have a lot of expectation. I always think, that, thank god our freedom fighters like Bhagat Singh, Gandhi, Netaji, Birsa Munda, Jai Prakash narayan and numerous others never thought of such things. Otherwise we would have never attained freedom from phirangees. As I said that not everyone can be a leader. But on the other hand, Bihari youth in Bihar and outside also is not realising that Bihar is yearning for a big change and it needs a lot of sacrifices. Either you should be ready to dedicate your lives for Bihar and its development or migrate and earn a package job on the cost of your self-esteem and respect.
LNMIEDSS students have that fire in their belly and if they want, they can change things. I have one line of a song for My LN Mishra friends...
"अभी - अभी हुआ यकीं, के आग है तुझमे कोई | "
" खुन गरम रखो, दिमाग शान्त |"
p.s. Special Thanks to Ravi. We need more people like him.
- Nitin.
The screening of "Bring back Bihar" was a awkening moment for we students of LNMI. We will ensure that this endeavour of yours not go waste.
Adarsh and Sanjeet
the movie was a step taken towards the renaissance of biharis,and returning them their proud to be biharis
sir i m desperately looking forward to see the movie.....could any one tell me when it will be released for the public.thanx
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