Saturday, November 8, 2008

Patna Women's College, BBB touched the chord !!

Screening of Bring Back Bihar at Patna Women's College was truly amazing. We can only say that "The message reached the audience".

Here are some snaps of the screening.


PWC screening saw the maximum presence of desirable audience till date. It was very well organised screening and best so far. As I had told about the mindset of youth here in patna, PWC is no exception to that, but there are thinkers in it. I could not answer all of them. But I would want to go back to PWC and talk individually with all the girls. Most of the time you will have audience who have either no interest in subject or they are shy enough to question anything. But again I would say that leaders are not born everyday. PWC has a legacy of 50 years or more and the students are proud being this institution. Sister Dorris is not only a mother figure of this institution but a crusader of sort and institution in herself.

The kind of interaction I had with girls was really enlightening for me. I know that we come from various socio-economic class, and there are several constraints on all of us. Only thing which Bihar expects from its youth and especially the students is "a thought process", "a sense of responsibility for this land" and "a sense of ownership" for Bihar. Now the time has come when all our moves, be at professional, educational or personal growth, it needs to be in favour of upliftment and development of Bihar. One students asked me that you too went out to study and work, why didnt I kept myself in Bihar. I want to answer them. Yeah, it is true that I went out of Bihar in 1999, and I was not sensitive that time. how much awakening can we expect from a lad of age 17-18 in bihar and that too 10 years back from now. But now I am back in Bihar, working for it, finally I realised My responsibilities for Bihar and I am doing. There were a few students from communicative english department who raised a dispute that I should be showing this film to non-biharis outside. Now, this is something which really bothered me. I would rather say that anyone saying that is in deep slumber and complacent. I would want them to go around Indian, live outside and see what kind of treatment we biharis get. What do I need to do ? For how long can we bask in the glory of Buddhaa, Asoka, Mahaveer and Guru Gobind Singh. Has anyone of us have followed any of the teachings of Buddhaa or principles of Mahaveer. For how long are we going to boast for maximum no. of IAS/IPS etc. If we are so good, then what's the problem with us. I gave the example of hair gets grey due to abdominal problem. So whats the solution, should we keep coloring our hair or find a cure for abdominal problem. Thus, we need to change things here in Bihar. It starts with small thing like stop littering, spitting, and following traffic rules. So, PWC should be a prime crusader for any developmental change. Bihar needs sacrifice of many. By sacrifice I mean being self less. Lay off your desires to earn extra and move out to pune, bangalore, delhi, gurgaon, mumbai.. If you get a job in desired field in Bihar. Do it and try to bring about changes here. As, the youth of migration has gone beyond control, the damage to the social fabric of Bihar has gone beyond repair. But still we can come together and bring that much needed change. And when you want to change, BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE. We have to come above caste region and religion for one cause and that is BIHAR.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Screening at LNM, Patna, 22-Oct-2008. Great response from the audience.

LN Mishra Institute of Economic development and social change.

I have to admit that this was the best screenings so far. More than 100 students of LN Mishra Institute of Economic Development and Social Change, participated in the screening and discussed later. Screening started well in time.

There are certain things which many people would not know, LN Mishra is no exception to this. We all know that people in Patna are not use to watching such films and the etiquette which is to be followed during screening of special films and documentaries. Like other screenings in Planetarium and Patna Museum, students at LNM were continuously moving in out of the hall. Some one because of nature's call. Few of them were feeling thirsty. Some were attending calls during the film, in the hall some were going out. I might not sound very flexible, but I really hate anyone doing such things. Thanks to Prof Nakhate, My Film Making professor from University of Pune. But in coming time we will not only create good films but better audience.

More or less, screening went fine. The best part was discussion after the screening. Even before people can think of solution, they have had excuses and assumed permanent-hurdles ready in their minds. I dont say that all of them will become leaders and carriers of change but its high time that people come out of their cocoons they are in, and start thinking about BIHAR. LEADERS are not born everyday. So, everybody can not be leader. We need better followers too.

The very base of LN Mishra Institute is about SOCIAL CHANGE, but the institution itself is so much in the clutches of caste system. The first question which one of the senior staff asked me, when I went for the first time was "क्या आप मैथिली जानते हैं ?" I thought may be the person wants to know about my language generally, but later I discovered that the caste and community feeling in <> is at its best. Can we call it Institutionalization of caste? At-least now the veterans in our state should start orienting and condition the new generation so that they dont cary and propagate the same feeling of caste and language to others. Do they want to make the new generation, caste-mongers like most of them ?

Few question were throw at me by some female students, and its very important for us to listen to the woman first. Because they are the one who will give birth to the leaders. They will one who will up-bring carriers of change. The very question which everyone had in mind and will always have is, they have family to look after, their parents have a lot of expectation. I always think, that, thank god our freedom fighters like Bhagat Singh, Gandhi, Netaji, Birsa Munda, Jai Prakash narayan and numerous others never thought of such things. Otherwise we would have never attained freedom from phirangees. As I said that not everyone can be a leader. But on the other hand, Bihari youth in Bihar and outside also is not realising that Bihar is yearning for a big change and it needs a lot of sacrifices. Either you should be ready to dedicate your lives for Bihar and its development or migrate and earn a package job on the cost of your self-esteem and respect.

LNMIEDSS students have that fire in their belly and if they want, they can change things. I have one line of a song for My LN Mishra friends...

"अभी - अभी हुआ यकीं, के आग है तुझमे कोई | "

" खुन गरम रखो, दिमाग शान्त |"

p.s. Special Thanks to Ravi. We need more people like him.

- Nitin.

Monday, October 20, 2008

BBB screening, Don Bosco Auditorium, Patna

A special screening was held at DBA Auditorium , Don Bosco School,Patna.

Don Bosco's screening was an important one. I screened only for class 11th and 12th. Everything was well arranged and on time. I was afraid of the fact that whether students would be able to sit for 100 minutes or not, as these youngsters are not habituated of watching documentary films. But they patiently sat through the film. Screening to people of this age category is very important, because while making the film I had treated it in a way that it will hit the minds of this age category. I could see the faces of a few were frowning with concern and anger at various places in the film. This is the age when we need to shape the minds of the youngsters to draw their attention toward the plight of Bihar. This is the time when their imagination must be ignited, and oriented to have a sense of ownership for Bihar. Within an year all these students will move out like thousands others, will see the glittering life of Delhi, Pune, etc and will start hating their own place, and will also start hiding their identity. For how long can Bihar bear the brunt of her own people. For how long we will keep disowning. We are on a mission to atleast enlighten a few minds through this film. Don Bosco was a good experience, a lot of teachers there asked for the DVD. Coming screenings would be in LN Mishra Institute, AN College, PWC, etc.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

BBB Screening at CIMP, 14-Oct2008 - Patna

CIMP was a whole new experience. Screening was successful. There was some technical glitches but else it was a good show. Had a lot of interaction with students. The majority problem which I have been experiencing with we biharis is fear of taking initiative about things. The minds of the people, irrespective of their age, caste and creed, needs to be oriented, moulded, and channelized in a direction where they can become more sensitive toward Bihar. I saw that, the sense of ownership, sense of pride and awareness about surrounding is deeply lacking in citizens of Bihar. Unless that sense of responsibility and love for Bihar grows in Biharis, we will always be the most backward region of India. I could sense that students of CIMP can do much better. In the interaction I told them that dont be just another sheep in the herd. No MBA degree can make one a successful Business man or a good administrator. Business is an art. One can learn art only if he/she is aware about his/her surrounding. About the social structure in which we are existing. Like an artist, draws, what he/she interprets or sees around him/her. Unless we know about social, political and economic situation of our soil, we can never bring a business here. I hope that students of CIMP must keep one thing in mind that, we all have high hopes from them as the carriers of development in Bihar. Its true that parents have spend 5 lacs on each of them, but they will have to give even bigger and greater sacrifices for this land, land of enlightenment. Mr. Mukundas is a father figure for this institutions. I hope that he be there for at least 20 years. When a person like him can a hundreds of kilometers away from his home to create an institution, why cant we Biharis do the same living here. There is no doubt that CIMP can be like one of the IIMs or even better than that. But students of CIMP must increase the horizon of their thought. Their imagination need to be ignited beyond the limit of the academic curriculum. I am thankful to all the guys, especially Vishwanath, one of the students who kept on running before, during and after screening. Good Luck!!



Saturday, October 11, 2008

कुछ यू शुरु हुआ मेरा सफर .....

"ब्रिंग बैक बिहार - मोमेंट औफ अवेकनिंग", यह नाम नही सोचा था मैने | बस एक जुनुन था की कुछ करना है | कुछ तो करना चहिये | मैं महसुस कर सकता था की देश को आजाद कराने के लिये, उस वक्त लोग कैसा सोचते थे | अपनी ही जमीन से बेदखल कर दिये गये हम और देश चुप रहा | १३ फरवरी, रात १०:०० मैं टी. वी देख रहा था | लोग कल्याण, दादर स्टेशनों पर किस तरह जनरल डिब्बे में घुसने की कोशिश कर रहे थे | एक हाँथ से बच्चे को संभाला था और दुसरे हाँथ मे एक मैले से कपडे से लपेटा हुआ कुछ समान जो हम लोग अपने ड्राईं्ग रुम के सोफे पर बैठ कर नही देख सकते | शायद कमाई हुई कुछ मजदुरी, बचाई हुई कुछ ईज्जत, गँवाई हुई रोटी के कुछ टुकडे होंगे और तन को पुरी तरह न ढकने वाले कुछ कपडे |
मैने अपने पडोसी से उसका छोटा सा विडियो कैमरा माँगा तो उसने पुछा, की अभी रात में क्या काम पड गया | मैने उसे बताया तो वह ठीठक गया | घर पर लोगों ने विरोध किया, बहन ने पटना फोन लगा दिया | लेकिन मै निकल चुका था, अपने आँखो से उन जाने वालों की आंखो में देखने | आटो रिक्षा लिया और उसे कुर्ला की तरफ चलने को कहा | कुर्ला मेरे घर से मंबई में कुछ २० किलोमीटर है | कुछ दुर जाने के बाद आटो रिक्षा ने पुछा कि कहाँ जाना है कुर्ला में ?, मैने बोला लोक्मान्य टर्मिनल, आटो रिक्षा ने ब्रेक लगा दिया, बोला वहा नही जायेगा, क्युंकी राज ठाकरे के समर्थकों ने जमकर कुर्ला में सुबह ही तोड-फोड की थी और एक आटो रिक्षा में आग भी लगा दिया था | मैने उसे काफी मनने की कोशिश की लेकिन वह नही चला | मैने दुसरे आटो रिक्षा से पुछा लेकिन कोई तैयार नही हुआ उस रात वहां जाने के लिये | काफी निराशा हुई |
मेरे करीबी मित्र नितिन गाइकवाड, जो की नासिक के ही रहने वाले हैं, उनके सामने मैने यह प्रस्ताव रखा की मेरे पास एक डक्युमँाट्री फिल्म का आइडीया है | मैने उनहे सारा स्क्रिप्ट समझाया तो वह काफी प्रभावित हो गये और हम निकल पडे मुंबई से नासिक की तरफ, मै सोच रहा था की, क्या मैं जो कर रहा हुँ वह ठीक है, इससे क्या कोइ बदलाव आयेगा, क्या लोग देखेंगे मेरी फिल्म को ? लेकिन कही न कही मेरे दिमाग उन जलते हुए आटो रिक्षा, टुटते हुए टैक्सी, मार खाते हुये लोग अ ौर भाषण देते हुये नेता लोग अ ा रहे थे | २५ फरवरी को हम नासिक पहुँचा तो वहाँ की स्थिति काफी दयनिय थी | बताया गया की करीब ५०,००० लोग भाग चुके हैं | मनसे के कार्य्कर्ताओं ने यह एलान कर दिया था की २५ फरवरी को सारे उत्त्र प्रदेश और बिहार के लोग चले जाये | नासिक और मन्माड स्टेशनों पर भारी भीड जमा थी |
पुरे शहर में पोलिस थी | गाडी के अंदर बैथ कर फिल्माकन करना अ ासान नही था | हम पहुचे नासिक के Industrial Belt के पास जहाँ ज्यादा से ज्यादा बिहार अ ौर उत्तर प्रदेश के मज्दुर रहते हैं | वहा पहुन्चा तो देखा सारे घरों के शीशे और खिडकियाँ टुटे हुए हैं | मैने कमरा निकाला अ ौर शूट करना शुरु किया, कुछ लोगों से बात हुई | थोडी देर में पुलिस वालों ने हमे देख लिया और फिर क्या था, हमारा कैमरा वगैरह जब्त कर लिया गया | कई सारे न्युज वालों को स्थानिय लोगों ने भगा दिया था, लेकिन मराठी में थोडी बात-चीत कर लेने की वजह से कोइ ये नही कह सकता था कि मैं बिहारी हुँ | वहाँ लोग यह नही चाह्ते थे की हिन्दी न्युज चैनल वहाँ कुछ भी करे | ३-४ घंटो के बाद हमे पुलिस वालों ने छोड दिया | अन्धेरा हो गया था | अगले दिन हम पहुचे वसंथ गीते के पास, जो की मनसे - नसिक के नेता हैं | उनहोने राज ठाकरे के चल रहे क्रिक्रित्य को सही ठहराया | उनका कहना है की, आज ज्यादातर IAS/IPS, Engineers वगैरह बिहार से आते हैं, बिहार के हैं | तो बिहारी बिहार के लिये कुछ क्युं नही करते | महाराश्ट्र में काम की भीख क्युं मांगते हैं |
नासिक से मै बगं्लूरू गया | क्या शहर है | एक तरफ पटना, दुसरी तरफ जब मैं बगं्लूरू, पुणे, हैदराबाद, गुड्गाँव, नागपुर वगैरह शहरों को देखता हुँ तो मेरे अंदर से प्रश्न उठता है की, आखीर पटना क्युं नही इनके बराबरी का हो पाया | लोग कहते हैं, "होगा ना, धीरे-धीरे होगा | एक दिन में नही न हो जायेगा |" बगं्लूरू में मै तथागत अवतार तुलसी, नवीन शर्मा और कई लोगों से मिला | मुम्बई की शूटिंग में टी. वी सिन्हा ने काफी मदद की | दिल्ली मे मैं Centre for policy Alternatives के President मोहन गुरुस्वामी से मिला तो उनहोने कें्द्र सरकार क पिछ्ले ६० वर्षों क बिहार के प्रति जो एक सौतेला व्यव्हार रहा है, उसकी सारी मिसालें दे डाली | और साथ ही साथ, पिछ्ले ६० सालों में जो नेता बिहार में हुये, उनकी सच्चाई भी बयान की | सबसे ज्यादा कठिन था बिहार में शुट करना, वो इसलिये की, मै बिहारी होते हुए भी पहली बार बिहार के अंदरुनी हिस्सों को देख रहा था और और जो हालत मैने देखी वह देखना कठिन था | बिहार के बाहर हमारी इज्जत नही है, बिहार के अंदर रोटी नही है | यहाँ के युवा, छोटो-मोटी नौकरियों के लिये दिल्ली, मुंबई भागते हैं | शहर के लडके IIT और Medical में जाने के लिये परेशान हैं, वो तो बाहर चले जाते हैं लेकिन कभी लौटते नही हैं | फिल्म के अन्दर जो बाढ के क्षेत्रों में की गयी शूटींग है वो सबसे ज्याद ह्दय विदारक है | .......और भी बहुत कुछ लिखुं्गा.. लिखता ही रहुं्गा...नितिन

2nd Screening of Bring back Bihar

Location: Patna Museum Auditorium, Patna (Bihar)
Date: 4-Oct-2008

There was great interest among the bihari people about Bring Back Bihar.
A documentary film generating so much of interest among common people has come up with great surprise to us. Many senior politicians and bureaucrats were also present during the screening of the film.

First screening of Bring Back Bihar.

This was the first screening of Bring Back Bihar @ Patna Planetarium on 12th of September 2008.

Monday, October 6, 2008

सब बांबे-पंजाब चल गया हुजूर..

New in Hindi daily. Jagran. Oct 05 2008.

पटना। सीतामढ़ी के रुन्नी सैदपुर का एक नाविक 1954 से नाव चला रहा है और बाढ़ से सामना उसके लिए कोई नयी बात नहीं। पर हताश है वह। कहता है-कटौंझा में बांध ने उसे मुश्किल में डाल दिया है। गांव में अब सिर्फ 'ननवैलिड' लोग और महिलाएं बचीं हैं। अब कुछ रहा ही नहीं। गर्मी में भी पानी रहता है। फसल होगी नहीं तो लोग क्या यहां बालू चाटेंगे। दलाल का राज है हुजूर तीन वर्ष से पैसा नहीं मिला है फिर भी लोगों को नाव से पार करा रहे हैं। जितना जवान था सब बांबे और पंजाब चल गया। बिहार के नितिन चंद्रा की डाक्यूमेंट्री 'ब्रिंग बैक बिहार' में बिहार की बेचारगी और राजनीतिक बेफिक्री को बड़े ही सशक्त अंदाज में दिखाया गया है। शनिवार को संग्रहालय परिसर स्थित सभागार में इस डाक्यूमेंट्री का एक विशेष शो आयोजित किया गया। इसमें उप मुख्यमंत्री सुशील कुमार मोदी विशेष रूप से उपस्थित हुए। फिल्म के बाद उनकी त्वरित प्रक्रिया रही-बेहतर कोशिश की गयी है बिहार के मुद्दे व सच को उठाने की। ;'ब्रिंग बैक बिहार' का आरंभ संपूर्ण क्रांति आंदोलन के क्रम में गांधी मैदान में हो रही जेपी की सभा से होता है। इसके बाद गौरवशाली अतीत को दिखाया जाता है। फिर इस अतीत के बीच में यह बात सामने आ जाती है कि बिहार के बीस बाढ़ प्रभावित जिले के लोग किस तरह से पलायन कर चुके हैं। मुंबई में राज ठाकरे के समर्थकों द्वारा तथा असम व पंजाब में किस तरह से बिहारी मजदूरों के साथ मारपीट की घटनाएं हो रहीं हैं। पूणे, दिल्ली व बंगलोर में रह रहे बिहारी छात्रों के सामने इस तरह की परेशानी भी है कि उन्हें अपनी पहचान बताने में मुश्किल है। अच्छे नंबर दिखाने पर हंसते हुए कहते हैं-अरे बिहार.। महाराष्ट्र में बस कंडक्टर तक बिहारी को गाली देता है। इस क्रम तथागत अवतार तुलसी, पूणे के एक छात्र तथा जेएनयू में शोध कर रही एक छात्रा के साक्षात्कार को दिखाया गया है। साइंस कालेज, पटना के एक प्राध्यापक ने डाक्यूमेंट्री में कहा है कि यहां केंद्रीय संस्थान आने चाहिए। आंकड़े दिखाए गए हैं कि एक वर्ष में कई अरब रुपए सिर्फ पढ़ाई के मद में बिहार से बाहर चला जाता है। पर्यटन की भी चर्चा हुई है और पूर्व मुख्य सचिव के के श्रीवास्तव ने यह कहा कि कभी पर्यटन की योजनाओं पर यहां से प्रस्ताव केंद्र को गया ही नहीं। बीच में अर्थशास्त्री मोहन गुरुस्वामी के साक्षात्कार को भी दिखाया गया है। गुरुस्वामी का कहना है कि बिहार के नेताओं ने पूर्व में अपने अधिकार के लिए कुछ किया ही नहीं। इसका असर यह रहा कि हर वर्ष योजना की राशि में सबसे नीचे का नंबर बिहार का रहता था। डाक्यूमेंट्री में दिखाया गया है कि किस तरह से बिहार में संभावनाओं का दोहन नहीं हुआ। आखिर में पूर्व राष्ट्रपति डा. कलाम को बिहार के उत्थान के लिए क्या करना चाहिए यह बोलते हुए दिखाया गया है।

Link to news article.

How you can help

So far all the financial requirements has been taken care by Nitin himself with some support from online friends. We need to understand that the current requirements are unprecedented and the resources are limited. The prime reason of making this film is to share the "real story" behind today's Bihar and the struggle of Biharis.

We need to showcase this film to as many people as possible, especially to the people of Bihar. All these activities need funds. We request you to buy the CD/VCD of Bring Back Bihar from us. The money thus generated will be used to publicize this movie and showcasing this movie to as many location as possible in Bihar and India.

If you want to associate with this movement please

To buy the CD/VCD please send mail to

The price of the DVD is 399/- plus Rs 50/- for courier. Total 449/-.

Money can be transfered to Nitin's account directly. Here are the details.

We have decided to display the list which will have the name of buyers (I would like to call them as donors/supporters). Expense report will also be shared with the world.

nitin's phone no. 09819101860.

Once you have made the transaction please reply to us so that we can update our list.

Thanks again for your interest.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Filmworker bats for bihar workers

SORRY STATE : ‘BIHARI has become an ABUSE’

TAKE THAT An MNS activist venting his anger against north Indians earlier this year (top); Bihari Nitin Chandra (below) returns the blow with a film

‘BIHARI has become an ABUSE’
Mohammed Wajihuddin speaks to Nitin Chandra, who responded to Raj Thackeray’s violence with a film

In February 2008, the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena’s anti-Bihari fury, which sent thousands of frightened Bihari workers scurrying from Nashik, rekindled a spark of anger in a filmmaker who also hailed from the region. “Every time a Bihari was bashed, I felt bashed too,’’ says Mumbai-based Nitin Chandra whose Bring Back Bihar, a 98-minute documentary, features vignettes of the violence against Bihari migrants as well as a road map out of the crisis.
Even as Nashik was erupting, Chandra loaded his equipment on the roof of a hired car and drove to the town accompanied by a Maharashtrian friend. This wasn’t his first tryst with Raj Thackeray’s ‘boys’—in 2003, after the Bharatiya Vidyarthi Sena beat up dozens of Biharis who’d come to Mumbai to give a railway recruitment exam at Kalyan station, Chandra had made a short film on the incident called The Outsider. “So I was familiar with the subject. But the magnitude of violence against migrant workers this time was unprecedented,’’ he says.
When the police caught Chandra shooting in a sensitive area, they confiscated his camera and detained him for hours. After the Maharashtrian friend intervened and convinced the cops that Chandra was just an academic and not a “sensationalist’’ newsman, they relented. By the time he was out shooting again, most of the Bihari labourers had fled. Touring the ransacked shanties, he managed to interview a few frightened souls who were scurrying for cover like marked fugitives. “It was pure anarchy perpetrated on Indian citizens by fellow Indians,’’ he says.
Last week, the Supreme Court rejected Raj Thackeray’s plea to get a case filed against him in Jamshedpur transferred to Mumbai. As the MNS chief faces trial, in Mumbai and elsewhere, Chandra’s film reminds us not just of a people punished for trying to earn bread beyond their backyards. It also diagnoses the malaise of Biharis’ migration to other states.
“For Biharis like me, migration is a need. For politicians like Raj Thackeray, it is a threat of their political space being swamped by others,’’ says Chandra. “I am sorry to say it, but the fact is that the hungry farmers in Maharashtra commit suicide while the equally deprived farmers in Bihar, instead of killing themselves, slum it in cities like Mumbai.’’
The anti-Bihari assault is just one element of the film, which is a collage of images and voices: Jaya Prakash Narayan’s Total Revolution, which inspired a million small mutinies across the country, the benevolent, smiling Buddha, the revolutionary tribal icon Birsa Munda, the hero of 1857 Babu Kunwar Singh and the mystic Makhdoom Yahya Maneri. Bring Back Bihar is Bihar’s long, turbulent journey in frames.
“We have seen enough of Biharbashing. My attempt is to reclaim Bihar’s lost glory, its true asmita (pride),’’ says 26-year-old Chandra. But how? “Successful Biharis can invest in Bihar. Around 90 per cent of the graduates who pass out from Patna University every year don’t stay back in the state. If even a fraction of them do their bit, things can be improved,’’ says Chandra who is trying to create a network of fellow Bihari professionals across the globe.
According to the film-maker, Biharis could have escaped the sustained humiliation in Maharashtra, Delhi, and Assam, had the country’s planners done justice to the state. “It’s fashionable to blame the state’s backwardness on the 15-year misrule of Lalu-Rabri,’’ he says. “And it’s true that not only Lalu but successive state governments’ populist policies have added to the mess. But the fact is that Bihar has been discriminated against since Independence. The Freight Equalisation Policy of 1952, for instance, denied it its legitimate income from the coal mines and killed its economy. After Bihar was divided in 2000, even that meagre income vanished. After the creation of Jharkhand, a popular joke in Patna was that Bihar was left with Lalu, balu (dust) and baadh (flood).’’
Chandra made his film with money borrowed from friends and public donations after he announced his financial difficulty on Orkut. Biharis from Seattle to Singapore chipped in, boosting his morale and bank account as well. “I got just Rs 40,000 in donation, but the people’s encouragement overwhelmed me,’’ says Chandra who plans to show the film to Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar later this month.
The film has a sequence of Dasrath Manjhi, an unlettered villager from Central Bihar who spent decades at a rocky hill, chipping away at it inch by inch, to make a road for his village. Lauding Manjhi, now dead, a local journo had fittingly quoted poet Majrooh Sultanpuri: “Main akela hi chala tha janibe manzil magar/Log aate gaye aur karvan banta gaya (I had left for the destination alone/But people kept joining me and a caravan was formed).’’
Chandra too eyes a similar fellowship of Biharis who will help revive the homes state’s flagging fortunes. TNN

Link to newspaper:

Bring Back Bihar

This documentary will shake you up.

Check out the trailer of this documentary film.